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Our attorneys have devoted their careers to achieving excellence in the area of family law.

Why prenuptial agreements can be for any couple

On Behalf of | Nov 4, 2020 | Uncategorized

The thought of signing a prenuptial agreement may not sound exciting, and in some cases, it may feel as though you are planning the divorce before the wedding takes place. However, having a prenuptial agreement can be beneficial for couples who are planning to get married in Washington or elsewhere in the United States. Take a closer look at the specific benefits of such an arrangement.

It provides an opportunity to talk about sensitive topics

During the process of creating a prenuptial agreement, you and your partner will be forced to be honest about a variety of financial matters. For instance, it can be the opening that you need to reveal the true extent of your student loan or credit card debt. It may also provide your partner with incentive to ask to retain ownership of his or her business in the event that the marriage ends in divorce.

Having these conversations before a wedding takes place can improve a couple’s ability to communicate and can increase the intimacy and trust in a relationship. If the marriage does come to an end, it can be much easier to part ways in a timely and amicable manner when the terms of the divorce have already been negotiated.

Prenuptial agreements can help you determine your own destiny

A custom marriage agreement could even be a way for those who have little money and few assets to secure their financial future. The agreement can be structured so that you might receive more from your spouse than you might obtain under state property division or alimony laws. A custom arrangement may also resolve any questions as to who might inherit assets if you or your spouse dies or becomes incapacitated.

A family law attorney may be able to help you create a marriage contract or review the terms of a prenuptial agreement before they go into effect. This may help to ensure that the language of any deal that you agree to is reasonable and is likely to be enforced if necessary.