Student loans are following people well into their adult years, and even people in their 40s (and sometimes beyond) have them hanging over their heads. What happens when one or both of you has student loan debt as your divorce? The answer may not be as simple as you...
excellence in the area of family law.
Washington Family Law Blog
Can your spouse make you move out during divorce?
You and your spouse have been living together for five years, ever since you got married. Perhaps you moved a long distance from your extended family so that your spouse could take a job. You don’t really have much community in the area, outside of a few coworkers...
When can you modify your child support order?
When your life changes, you may be unable to pay the required child support. However, you can't stop making payments or reduce the amount without opening a case with the Division of Child Support (DCS). If your child support is based on a court order, you will...
3 reasons spouses may fight over their marital home during divorce
People often feel quite proud of home ownership. They may have worked hard to save enough money to afford a down payment. They may have invested a lot of time, effort and resources in repairing the property or modernizing it after their purchase. The equity they...
When might supervised visitation be best?
One issue that the family court in Washington state has to address is child custody. Custody cases often arise out of divorce, but they can also occur for other reasons, such as a parent establishing paternity. Generally, one parent is awarded physical custody and...
One age bracket still has a rising divorce rate
The divorce rate has been dropping in the United States for years, at least for most age groups. Part of this is because people now get married at a later age. Young marriages are more likely to end in divorce, but modern couples often get married in their late 20s or...
Can you change your custody orders in Washington?
Child custody orders outline how you share parental responsibilities and time with your children as co-parents. This includes visitation schedules, decision-making authority and ways to resolve disputes. However, circumstances may change over time, and you could...
What will happen to my 401(k) after divorce?
Divorce can significantly impact your financial landscape. One of the major considerations is the division of retirement assets such as a 401(k). In Washington state, the division of a 401(k) in a divorce is subject to specific rules aimed at equitable distribution. ...
Staying in touch with your children during your co-parent’s time
Parents who have to split up time with their children have to make major adjustments to their parenting style and daily lives. Many adults struggle with depression when they can't see their children or anxiety over what they may experience while they are with their...
How to protect your privacy from your spouse during divorce
The uncomfortable reality for a lot of couples going through a divorce is that it’s not economically feasible (and maybe strategically unwise) for one party to move out until the divorce is either final or close to being final. So, how do you protect your privacy from...