Chvatal CK King | Family Law Attorneys
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Our attorneys have devoted their careers to achieving excellence in the area of family law.

The best interests of the child in Washington State 

On Behalf of | Dec 17, 2024 | Child Custody

Child custody cases can be complex because every family is unique. However, in custody cases in Washington state, one factor takes priority- the best interests of the child.

The key considerations regarding the best interests of the child are outlined in Washington state’s family law statutes. Here are some important points to consider. 

When does the best interests of the child apply? 

The court uses the best interests of the child standard in all custody cases. This includes when drafting parenting plans and visitation schedules during a divorce or when making modifications. The aim of the court is always to provide a safe and nurturing environment for the child. 

Determining the best interest of the child in Washington state 

The family law statutes in Washington highlight several key points. These include: 

  • The child’s relationship with each parent: The court will assess the bond between each parent and their child. 
  • The specific needs of the child: Every child has specific physical, emotional and developmental needs. The court will implement a custody schedule that gives the highest chance of healthy development. 
  • The child’s environment: The court will also look at the child’s home environment and school. 
  • Parental abilities: The parental abilities of each parent will be assessed to determine whether or not they can meet the child’s daily needs. 

The courts value stability 

While there are several aspects of the best interests of the child, stability is arguably the most important. The court will try to avoid major disruptions to a child’s routine so that they can thrive. 

To ensure that your parental rights and the needs of your child are respected, it may help to seek legal guidance.