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Our attorneys have devoted their careers to achieving excellence in the area of family law.

Are arguments a predictor of divorce?

On Behalf of | Oct 17, 2024 | Divorce

If you’re worried that your spouse may file for divorce, you may find yourself trying to predict when it’s going to happen. After all, it may be helpful for you to prepare in advance. Understanding that divorce is coming gives you a chance to prepare mentally and emotionally, and it also helps you to prepare in a practical sense – gathering paperwork, learning more about the legal process, protecting financial assets, etc. 

So, should you consider how often you and your spouse argue? If you argue frequently, does that mean that divorce is getting more likely, while a lack of arguments would mean that your marriage is stronger and less likely to end in divorce?

It is not so simple

This is actually a bit more complicated than people imagine because arguments can indicate divorce in two ways. It’s all about change.

For instance, if you and your spouse virtually never argued before and there’s been a significant change so that you’re arguing frequently, it may mean that divorce is getting closer. It could just be that you and your spouse are fundamentally unhappy or that you have unspoken issues with the marriage, and those issues are causing the two of you to turn every disagreement into a big argument.

On the other hand, though, if you never fight or if the arguments completely cease, that could also indicate that divorce is closer. Your spouse may simply be checked out of your relationship. They have already made up their mind to ask for a divorce and they’re just waiting for the right time to do it, so they don’t see any point in engaging with arguments or trying to “win” any of these disagreements. 

In either case, it is definitely helpful to prepare for the divorce. Take the time to carefully look into all of your legal options.