When your life changes, you may be unable to pay the required child support. However, you can’t stop making payments or reduce the amount without opening a case with the Division of Child Support (DCS).
If your child support is based on a court order, you will complete some forms, which can be found online. You can also get these forms from your Support officer or local DCS office. If your child support is an administrative order, you will request a modification in writing or by calling your Support officer and requesting a form.
With both processes, you need a satisfactory reason for your request. Here is when you can modify your child support order:
When you change jobs
If you change jobs, perhaps you lose a high-paying one and move to a low-paying one, you may have grounds to request a child support modification. You will provide your financial records to prove your current income can’t allow you to pay child support and meet your needs without getting into financial trouble.
When your child’s daycare or medical costs change
When your child stops going to daycare, for instance, when they get to a school-going age or when you have a flexible work schedule that your child no longer needs full-time child care, you can request a child support modification.
Additionally, you can request a child support modification when your child’s medical costs change. Typically, younger kids, for example, ages 1 to 4 years, need to visit the doctor more often than teenagers.
When you have another child
If you have another child after your child support order is enforced, you can request to modify it since you also need to provide for the new kid.
Your case needs to meet the criteria for a modification. To increase your chances of approval, obtain more information to make the right calls