Chvatal CK King | Family Law Attorneys
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Our attorneys have devoted their careers to achieving excellence in the area of family law.

Career considerations factor in with child custody cases

On Behalf of | Mar 16, 2020 | Firm News

In a Washington State divorce, couples with children will likely have concerns about child custody. One issue that often arises is how a parent can balance a career and spending quality time with a child. To avoid having work negatively impact a custody decision, there are certain steps to consider taking.

Career-oriented parents should consider several ways to prevent this. When discussing a parenting agreement, a parent might think about getting the better of the other parent and “winning.” The key is to think about the child and to serve their best interests with an organized routine for school and leisure activities.

Some parents want more parenting time than they can handle. Analyzing how much time is available and understanding that it might be better for the child to spend time with the other parent when work gets in the way can help forge a reasonable agreement. The work schedule could need greater flexibility. Discussing this at work and having a plan could benefit the custody arrangement. If a parent wants a set of rules for the other parent, he or she should be willing to adhere to it as well. Although it can be tempting to try and have a “better” deal than the other parent, it does not really help the child or the case to try and achieve this at the expense of a fair settlement.

Finally, knowing what the court is thinking can be useful. Parents who are financially responsible will not be penalized for that. Multiple factors will be considered in a child custody case. Whether it is the amount of time a parent has available, career issues and financial considerations, legal help might be beneficial. A law firm experienced in family law and child custody may be able to help.